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Share Price

Basic Data

Share type No-par value shares
Number of shares 33,689,311
Share capital as of 33,689,311.00 EUR
Number of shares authorised for trading on a stock exchange 33,689,311
Market segment Scale (Frankfurt Stock Exchange) / Mittelstandsbörse Germany (Hanseatic Stock Exchange Hamburg)
Exchanges Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Hanseatic Stock Exchange Hamburg
First day of trading / Issue price 06/10/2005 / 20.50 EUR
ISIN DE000A161077
WKN A16107
Stock exchange code HXCK
Reuters HXCKk.DE
Bloomberg HXCK:GR
Common Code 022854488
Designated Sponsor Wolfgang Steubing AG

Company Profile

Ernst Russ AG (ISIN DE000A161077) – 02/12/2024

Company Information

Company Ernst Russ AG
Business Address Elbchaussee 370
22609 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 40 8888 1-1800
Fax.: +49 40 8888 1-199
Founding Year 1985
Founding Country Deutschland
End of Financial Year 31.12.
Accounting Standard HGB
Mandatory Consolidation (Yes/No) Yes
Executive Board Robert Gärtner, Joseph Schuchmann
Member of Supervisory Board Harald Christ
Jochen Thomas Döhle
Ingo Kuhlmann
Robert Lorenz-Meyer
Capital Market Partners Quirin Privatbank AG

Description of Business

Ernst Russ AG is a publicly traded international ship owner and maritime investment manager based in Hamburg. Parts of the company’s history date back to 1893. Currently, the corporate group manages a fleet of 29 vessels, partially operated in collaboration with strategic partners. The focus is on container vessels ranging from 700 to 4,200 TEU, complemented by two larger container vessels with approximately 6,600 and 13,400 TEU, respectively, along with a Handysize bulker with 38,000 dwt and a multi-purpose vessel. Ernst Russ AG is continuously expanding its fleet, thus ensuring stable and sustainable value growth for shareholders.

Trade and Securities Data

ISIN DE000A161077
Exchanges Xetra, Frankfurt, Hamburg
Designated Sponsor Wolfgang Steubing AG
Number of Shares 33,689,311
Share Capital in EUR 33,689,311.00
Number of Shares Authorised for Trading on a Stock Exchange 33,689,311
Freefloat 45.9 %
Shareholder Structur
as at 31/12/2024
Döhle Gruppe 38.5 %
JaJo Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 9.2%
MS "CORDULA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 6.4 %
Free float 45.9%

Shareholder Structure