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Press Releases

Ernst Russ AG to be listed in the new “Scale” segment of the Deutsche Börse AG


  • Ernst Russ AG has from met the requirements of the new quality standard within the Open Market
  • Deutsche Börse AG is replacing the Entry Standard with the “Scale” listing segment, which features increased transparency and higher quality requirements


Hamburg, 1 March 2017 – Ernst Russ AG is among the first companies that on 1 March 2017 will establish the new “Scale” listing segment of the Deutsche Börse AG.

The stock of Ernst Russ AG meets the strict requirements of the “Scale” standard and will be traded in this segment from the very beginning. The company’s stock has been listed on the Deutsche Börse since 2005, most recently in the Entry Standard.

On 1 March 2017, Deutsche Börse AG will replace its Entry Standard with the “Scale” listing segment for growth companies. This new area brings SMEs together with national and international investors, and with its strict requirements, it promotes transparency and quality in the segment, as well as opportunities for SMEs to grow. In this way, Deutsche Börse AG is responding to both the increased financing needs of companies and to the corresponding demand among investors.

The focus is on companies with proven business models that are of a certain minimum size, are profitable, and have already collaborated with a Designated Sponsor of the Deutsche Börse. They must commit to high transparency and to submit periodic independent research reports commissioned by the Deutsche Börse. These reports are prepared by Edison Investment Research and Morningstar.