Welcome to the Investor Relations department of Ernst Russ AG!
Our Investor Relations department strives to ensure transparent and open communication with our shareholders and capital market participants. We know that transparent information and effective interaction are crucial to strengthening the confidence of our investors and ensuring sustainable success for Ernst Russ AG.
Our main task is therefore to ensure a continuous exchange of information with our shareholders and the capital market. We ensure that relevant information about the company's performance is communicated promptly and accurately. As part of our financial communication, we take care of the publication of financial reports, current quarterly figures and other relevant financial information. This ensures transparency with regard to the financial performance of Ernst Russ AG. We also actively participate in investor conferences and events in order to hold personal discussions and facilitate a direct exchange with our investors.
The experts in our Investor Relations department will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the share, the company or other matters. Thank you for your interest in Ernst Russ AG.